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Unfortunately there are no products available online for this brand. Check back soon as we're always adding to our online store, or you can find this brand in store at Ella, Where She Shops on 90 Broad St, Guilford, CT 06437.

We are open seven days a week and you can also contact us anytime with questions about what is in stock for this brand.


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Where Ella Shops

Ella is where she shops for the perfect additions to her wardrobe. We offer a variety of styles, and sizes to help you find just what you are looking for.

We are stocked with scarves, jeggings, comfy work pants, cozy sweaters, yoga gear as well as locally handmade jewelry to name a few.

We also carry a wide variety in full length and petite pants and jeans from 0-16.

Our diverse product lines extend through three generations of shoppers. We offer clothing for all aspects of your life - work, play, active and formal.

Our experienced team stylists can put a full look together that fits you correctly and looks amazing.